Journal covers

Previous Publications
Refereed Journal Publications
- O. Liba, M. D. Lew, E. D. SoRelle, R. Dutta, D. Sen, D. M. Moshfeghi, S. Chu, and A. de
la Zerda, “Speckle-modulating optical coherence tomography in living mice and
humans,” Nat. Commun. 8, 15845 (2017). [Highlight in Nat.
Methods, EurekAlert!,
& Photonics News, Article]
- A. von Diezmann, M. Y. Lee, M. D. Lew, and W. E. Moerner, “Correcting
field-dependent aberrations with nanoscale accuracy in three-dimensional single-molecule
localization microscopy,” Optica 2, 985 (2015). [OSA news, Optics
& Photonics News, Journal cover, Article]
- M. D. Lew, S. F. Lee, M. A. Thompson, H-L. D. Lee, and W. E. Moerner,
“Single-molecule photocontrol and nanoscopy,” in Far-Field
Optical Nanoscopy (eds. P. Tinnefeld, C. Eggeling, and S. W. Hell) 14, 87
(Springer-Verlag, 2015). [Book
- M. D. Lew and W. E. Moerner, “Azimuthal polarization filtering for accurate,
precise, and robust single-molecule localization microscopy,” Nano Lett. 14,
6407 (2014). [Article]
- M. P. Backlund, M. D. Lew, A. S. Backer, S. J. Sahl, and W. E. Moerner, “The role
of molecular dipole orientation in single-molecule fluorescence microscopy and implications for
super-resolution imaging,” ChemPhysChem 15, 587 (2014). [Article]
- A. S. Backer, M. P. Backlund, M. D. Lew, and W. E. Moerner, “Single-molecule
orientation measurements with a quadrated pupil,” Opt. Lett. 38, 1521
(2013). [Article]
- M. D. Lew*, M. P. Backlund*, and W. E. Moerner, “Rotational mobility of single
molecules affects localization accuracy in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy,”
Nano Lett. 13, 3967 (2013). [Journal cover, Article]
- M. P. Backlund*, M. D. Lew*, A. S. Backer, S. J. Sahl, G. Grover, A. Agrawal, R. Piestun,
and W. E. Moerner, “Simultaneous, accurate measurement of the 3D position and orientation
of single molecules,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 19087 (2012). [Highlight in Nat.
Methods, Article]
- M. A. Thompson, M. D. Lew, and W. E. Moerner, “Extending microscopic resolution
with single-molecule imaging and active control,” Annu. Rev. Biophys. 41,
321 (2012). [Article]
- H-L. D. Lee*, S. J. Sahl*, M. D. Lew, and W. E. Moerner, “The double-helix
microscope super-resolves extended biological structures by localizing single blinking molecules
in three dimensions with nanoscale precision,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 153701
(2012). [Journal
cover, Article]
- M. D. Lew*, S. F. Lee*, J. L. Ptacin, M. K. Lee, R. J. Twieg, L. Shapiro, and W. E.
Moerner, “Three-dimensional superresolution colocalization of intracellular protein
superstructures and the cell surface in live Caulobacter crescentus,” Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 108, E1102 (2011). [Article]
- M. D. Lew, S. F. Lee, M. Badieirostami, and W. E. Moerner, “Corkscrew point spread
function for far-field three-dimensional nanoscale localization of pointlike objects,”
Opt. Lett. 36, 202 (2011). [Article]
- M. Badieirostami, M. D. Lew, M. A. Thompson, and W. E. Moerner, “Three-dimensional
localization precision of the double-helix point spread function versus astigmatism and
biplane,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 161103 (2010). [Article]
- M. A. Thompson*, M. D. Lew*, M. Badieirostami, and W. E. Moerner, “Localizing and
tracking single nanoscale emitters in three dimensions with high spatiotemporal resolution using
a double-helix point spread function,” Nano Lett. 10, 211 (2010). [Article]
- X. Cui, M. Lew, and C. Yang, “Quantitative differential interference contrast
microscopy based on structured-aperture interference,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 93,
091113 (2008). [Article]
- M. Lew, X. Cui, X. Heng, and C. Yang, “Interference of a four-hole aperture for
on-chip quantitative two-dimensional differential phase imaging,” Opt. Lett.
32, 2963 (2007). [Article]
Other Publications
- A. S. Backer, M. P. Backlund, M. D. Lew, A. R. Diezmann, S. J. Sahl, and W. E. Moerner, “Single-molecule orientation measurements with a quadrated pupil,” Proc. SPIE 8950, 89500L (2014). [Article]
- M. D. Lew, A. R. S. von Diezmann, and W. E. Moerner, “Easy-DHPSF open-source software for three-dimensional localization of single molecules with precision beyond the optical diffraction limit,” Protocol Exchange (2013). [Article]
- M. P. Backlund*, M. D. Lew*, A. S. Backer, S. J. Sahl, G. Grover, A. Agrawal, R. Piestun, and W. E. Moerner, “The double-helix point spread function enables precise and accurate measurement of 3D single-molecule localization and orientation,” Proc. SPIE 8590, 85900L (2013). [Article]
- M. D. Lew, M. A. Thompson, M. Badieirostami, and W. E. Moerner, “In vivo three-dimensional superresolution fluorescence tracking using a double-helix point spread function,” Proc. SPIE 7571, 75710Z (2010). [Article]
- M. Lew, X. Cui, X. Heng, and C. Yang, “Two-dimensional differential interference contrast microscopy based on four-hole variation of Young's interference,” Proc. SPIE 6859, 685916 (2008). [Article]
- X. Cui, M. Lew, X. Heng, and C. Yang, “On-chip differential interference contrast (DIC) phase imager and beam profiler based on Young's interference,” Proc. SPIE 6441, 64411F (2007). [Article]
- M. Lew, X. Cui, and C. Yang, “Measuring the phase of light,” Caltech Undergraduate Research Journal 6, 18 (2007). [PDF - 831 KB]